Wednesday, October 27, 2010

So Far so good

At the beginning of the week i told all 5 of you about my reduction in... uh oh... sodium. Yes, sodium, the water retaining monster that makes all your processed foods taste better than they really do! I must say that limiting my sodium intake for the week, i have seen oretty promising results. with in the last three days i have shed 4 lb's and shaved a minute of my run time. ok ok, so i cant say that taking out some table salt did all that, but it sure as hell didnt hurt.

I have noticed that every time i go running, and the run is successful, i look forward to my next run more and more. once upon a time i hated to take my fat ass out there and plow the pavement, but nowadays i enjoy how good it feels to accomplish a short term goal. Pretty much instant gratification. It is funny, and please let me know if its just me, how about 30 seconds after you finish your run, once all the blood goes to where it belongs, once your knees forget what you just put them through, once that stupid cramp goes away... you feel that you can do it all over again. I find this feeling coming sooner and sooner every time. I hope this means that i will be doing double the distance some time soon.

Kick ass in chile babe! We miss you!

1 comment:

  1. okkkk so I am not liking how successful you are without me around. lol jkkkk I am so proud of you for bucking down and really making your goal a reality. I am the first to know that salt is the best tasting food there is out there and it can make anything taste good, EVEN VEGGIES! ;)

    You keep pounding that pavement and come December you will shave so much time off. I need to start training for my sprint triathlon like YESTERDAY!

    Ill be home in 2 days. I love you!!!
