Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It was their "chill" day

Not only was yesterday my dads bday it was also the official first day of the 20 week program for the Olympic tri in march. This meant that I needed to at least log some miles on the bike. I called a slower friend of mine( no offense) and asked if he was down. Sure enough, within the hour of me getting off of work I was on my saddle. We made our way to the golf course, where a lot of local riders do laps and began our Monday journey. About 30 minutes into our workout, an approaching clicking of many gears forced us all the way to to the right. As soon as the last one passed us we came across an old friend who was struggling to keep up. He told us it was the group's chill day. I figured having eaten a great lunch and pretty good snack choices through out the day I should be able to keep up with this group of old guys in their super hero spandex. I tucked my keys in my back pocket and proceeded to shift up and catch up. I caught up, staying with them was a different story. I wad able to keep up for a little under half the course until I was out of gas. Even though I was not able to stay with them it made me excited for next week. I plan to make out again for their chill day, this time I plan to be well stretched because it will serve as my hard day.

As for the rest of the week, I have set my alarm for really early in the morning and plan to do half of my daily workouts before work. Not sure how productive ill be from 9-5 but I have to add in the morning if i want to accomplish my goals for March.

On a less painful note, the new Leader shirt I ordered from bikeage came in. They were nice enough to include a really dope sticker and pin with the package. Ty!

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